Step 1 / 8

Mill a hole with the above dimensions in a wooden base (not supplied) (maximal fabric thickness : 0.6mm).
Step 2 / 8

Use a step drill to cut a Ø20 hole into the Ø125 valve adapter of your choice. A hole can be drilled in any type or brand of Ø125 valve adapter.
Step 3 / 8

Connect the Ø16 preflex and the valve adapter with the prado connector. Make sure to add minimal 300mm of wire into the valve adapter. Driver must be placed remotely to remain accessible.
Step 4 / 8

Cut off the excess length of the valve adapter. The remaining vertical part of the duct (before the start of the turn) must be at least 60mm high for the plaster ring (connector can’t be placed in this zone).
Step 5 / 8

Place the csc ring in the hole – yellow lid facing down.
Step 6 / 8

Fix the csc ring to the wooden base with the right gue.
Step 7 / 8

Place the ventilation duct over the plaster ring.
Step 8 / 8

Remove the yellow lid just before installing the fixture.
Installation must be done by skilled professionals only and instructions must be followed at all times. Warranty will not apply in case of wrongful use of if unskilled personnel attempts to repair a product.